Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hi. Hello. Bon jour, hola, aloha and salun!

I've decided I have too much free time and not enough creative outlets. So I've decided to grace you all with my ramblings, anecdotes, and hopefully amusing cartoons.

So where does one start when one begins to write a blog?

I'm really not sure

How about a story?

Once upon a time, there was a girl named GG. She was stuck here:

GG was bored.

Until Suddenly...

"I could write a blog!" She thought.

So she got on the internet, and began to make crap cartoons and write nonsense stories and write a very successful blog, and lived happily ever after. THE END!

I can only hope you (eventually) find me half as amusing as her.


  1. Always remember, I was your first.

  2. Bahahaha I will never forget sir ;)

  3. And then several hours later, I came back for more.

    GG, I think your cartoons are AWESOME. I can't wait to read more of your hilarious ramblings and enjoy your creative creations.

    Yay for you!
