Thursday, November 25, 2010

13 Things I Wish I'd Known

So this probably isn't the most original idea I've ever had, but some days it is made incredibly clear just how lucky I am. And just how far I've come from my gawky high school self. But sometimes, I wish my high school self had known a few things ahead of time, because it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Dear Allison-at-14,

Hey! It's me, Allison. More to the point, yourself at 19. I'm currently watching Batman: Under the Red Hood (It's a fantastic animated movie coming out in 2010. You watch cartoons without hiding them now, by the way), I go to the local community college, I am single, I am a co-captain of the Improv team and a leading member of the theatre program there. Life is...interesting, to say the least. You're beginning high school dear, and I think there are a few things that you should know before you start this endeavor.