Thursday, November 25, 2010

13 Things I Wish I'd Known

So this probably isn't the most original idea I've ever had, but some days it is made incredibly clear just how lucky I am. And just how far I've come from my gawky high school self. But sometimes, I wish my high school self had known a few things ahead of time, because it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Dear Allison-at-14,

Hey! It's me, Allison. More to the point, yourself at 19. I'm currently watching Batman: Under the Red Hood (It's a fantastic animated movie coming out in 2010. You watch cartoons without hiding them now, by the way), I go to the local community college, I am single, I am a co-captain of the Improv team and a leading member of the theatre program there. Life is...interesting, to say the least. You're beginning high school dear, and I think there are a few things that you should know before you start this endeavor.

13. High School. Ugh. You don't expect a whole lot, but let's be clear here- these are NOT the best years of your life. In fact, the sooner you get out of there the better. Survive honey, that's all you can do, because these next four years are going to suck. Don't get me wrong- you'll have fun too, but when stuff is getting crappy, just remember that when you graduate it will only get better.

12. Coach has some awesome graphic novels. Please go read them NOW. Might as well get going on becoming the nerd you were always meant to be as soon as possible. Because darlin? You're going to become a nerd. A huge one. Or a bigger one than you already are. The sooner you fall in love with Batman the better. And of course the video already like those, but get working on those FPS skills ok? It'll get you into the lan parties and those are fun.

11. But for the sake of your dignity, please don't spend all your time chasing after Mr. Davis. Feel free to ask him to Sadies, that was fun. But don't expect much more than that. Please don't ask him to homecoming, and please don't accept any bets from friends about making moves. Follow your mother's advice- don't chase. It'll make you happier, I promise.

10. Your friends right now are going to start doing the things that popular ish high school kids do. Drinking, sex, smoking, drugs, etc. You're not going to wanna participate, but you won't know where else to go. Go sit with the misfits. They're awesome. They'll make you a better person.

9. BUT don't let a certain someone who wants to keep you all to herself keep you from staying friends with people. Just cause you don't hang out all the time doesn't mean they're not still good friends. She's gonna live at your house, treat you like a sis, but ultimately she'll walk all over you if you let her. She's a decent friend but don't let her do that to you. You can do better.

8. Don't date a guy just cause he likes you and you figure why not. Don't make that mistake again. And whatever you do, don't do it a third time. We'll live without the Harley Quinn comic, just DON'T DO IT I BEG YOU.

7. Prom. What a mess. Please stop trying to make everyone happy. Just enjoy yourself, it's all you can do, okay?

6. You're pretty. Seriously. A little weird, yes, but you are pretty. And the boys who haven't gone to school with you since kindergarten think so too. Don't let them call you fat either. You've got curves, and there will be a guy someday who is going to LOVE that. A couple in fact. Embrace it. He will ;)

5. You're going to meet this guy. Oh is he a whirl wind. You can learn a few things from him...but once things end, leave them dead. For your sake. You're better off, I promise.

4. Don't skip your senior Sadie's just because your supposed best friend hates your date. That's lame. If she can't accept it, maybe she's not that great. No one else is really going to care, just so you know. In fact, they'll probably side with you, surprise!

3. You should try a little harder in math. Chemistry as well. I know it's hard, but I also know you're smarter than that. The 31 you get on your ACT proved that. Woops, did I let that slip?

2. Speaking of friends, that Mark kid sure matured before high school. Give him a chance, you might find he's the most awesome person you know. Hell, he might be the only person who still talks to you besides Luke by the time you're in college. I'm just speculating here though.

1. There's life after high school. So when you think that your world is crashing around you, relax. Cause you didn't hear it from me, but when you get to college, there might be some people who love Lord of the Rings and Batman just as much as you do (will) and if that's not a win I don't know what is.

So there you have it. Try and stay out of fights, it only encourages the crazy rumours, and please let Andrew take you home from Sadie's, it's awkward otherwise. Have a great four years, and just so you know, yes, the valedictorian speech is going to be just as awful as you think it is.

Live long and prosper ;) Yourself

p.s. That's from Star Trek, I forgot you haven't gotten there yet. Cripes. You have so much to learn...


  1. Yes to so many of those. I'd tell myself the same about prom and life after high school. And BOYS. I'd tell myself to spend less time worrying about them and just have fun with my friends and study. The boys in college were so much better than the ones I chased after in high school.

  2. Right? I look back at the energy and the stress I devoted to boys and it's just like really? You were worried what those small town idiots thought? And it's specially funny cause when I see them again I'm like're kind of a dbag aren't you. But I guess that's what high school is for

  3. If I could talk to any old version of myself this is probably what I would say:

    "Hey, man... listen, make your own damn homework, I'm so sick of doing all the things you procrastinated.

    -Future you

    PS: Just kidding, man! Procrastinating freaking rules and we're the best at it... nothing bad has ever happened so far from it, in fact, future me will be doing all your homeworks while I sit around reading blogs"
