Friday, January 7, 2011

I wish I had more to say...

But all I really have is this:

Why it's completely AWESOME to be a Geek Girl!

This new site just launched today and has some great articles, not just mine. Give 'er a looksie!

I also got a new mouse for Christmas. Thanks to my brother!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Breaking News
Well. Kind of.

Just a few things I thought I should throw around for those reading-

1. I now have a tumblr blog thingie in addition to this here. I mostly created it so I could follow a couple friends, then realized I really like the posting style for things like videos, pictures, and random blurbs that I don't really find relevant enough for an entire post. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mix blogging websites (bit greedy, isn't it?) but I don't really care. For the latest video game and movie trailers, random wonderful things I've stumbled upon, pictures of cute kittens and more, head over to or just follow the link to the right.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

13 Things I Wish I'd Known

So this probably isn't the most original idea I've ever had, but some days it is made incredibly clear just how lucky I am. And just how far I've come from my gawky high school self. But sometimes, I wish my high school self had known a few things ahead of time, because it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Dear Allison-at-14,

Hey! It's me, Allison. More to the point, yourself at 19. I'm currently watching Batman: Under the Red Hood (It's a fantastic animated movie coming out in 2010. You watch cartoons without hiding them now, by the way), I go to the local community college, I am single, I am a co-captain of the Improv team and a leading member of the theatre program there. Life is...interesting, to say the least. You're beginning high school dear, and I think there are a few things that you should know before you start this endeavor.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Remember how I had a cartoon for you?

And it wouldn't load?

Well here's what was sposed to happen:

IT'S GG!!!


That's really all I had to say. 

At the moment, my life is slightly in shambles, and so it has been taking a toll on things, like my sanity. So it may be a day or two before I write a real post. The next post may also be written in jail. Who knows. Between two different shows, stupid people, boys bent on making my life hell, school going to crap, and work, I'm about to completely snap. Hand me the axe please. 

Oh and also, did I mention that my xbox isn't working? AURGH. It's a wonder I haven't gone postal already...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Epic post about Epic Epicness

So this is slightly over due, but I am hear to tell you about Halo: Reach. Finally.

First of all, let me say, if you have an X Box 360 and you like first person shooters, and you're not brain dead, go get this game. Now.

If you have a ps3, like a loser, well, guess it sucks to be you, but you can continue to read this and wish you had picked a better gaming system.

(I'm mostly kidding, ps3's are pretty good systems but the lack of Halo is a deal breaker for me)

If you feel like making fun of me for playing "Galo" right now, just get out of my blog. We don't like your kind here...

But moving on.

Halo: Reach was...