Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hi my name is GG and I will be your blogger today!


...NO I did not find out Batman isn't reawaitWHAT?! ...I will deal with YOU later.

No, what I was going to say was...I got a job! Huzzah!

And it was so incredibly easy too! I feel like I wasted so much time on filling out all those dang applications and then I go to this place and within half an hour I'd filled out an application, been interviewed and gotten hired! But I won't complain, because right now I'm just super glad to have a job! 

Though I'll admit, that Hobby Lobby application could have resulted in some serious carpal tunnel, holy batwings. You'd think I was applying for the government, the amount of information they needed. Or Target, and their ridiculous questionnaire. "What percentage of politicians do you believe are corrupt? 0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, or 76-100%" Here's a question for you- how does my answer to that effect my ability to work for you?!

Anywho, all for the best. I went yesterday and applied at a restaurant called Wise Guys. Already I'm excited- unlike the last place I 'waitressed' for, they have a COMPUTER to ring up bills, I don't think they microwave their 'broiled' cod, and their uniforms are all black with red bow ties- which I find awesome. Not to mention, I can work days I'm not at school, so if I have shows or rehearsals I won't have to worry about either schedule overlapping with each other. So overall, a win for me. I start this Monday- wish me luck!

On the not-so-bright side, my phone broke the other day. I can't afford a new on til my contract is up- at the end of AUGUST. A month and a half with no phone?! I am in so much trouble. It's times like these though, that I realize just how sadly dependent I am on technology today. I watch older movies, and something horrible will be happening- someone's been captured, there's an army sneaking up, there's a spy/assassin sneaking around the castle, and everyone is scrambling to find a way to get the news to the hapless victims. And I think, just call their cell...OH. Right. YEARS too early.

Example. The British are coming! Light a lantern, ride through the country side rallying the troops...just imagine how much EASIER it would have been with cell phones... 

*watchman sees British coming from the church tower*
*dials up Washington*
"Hey George? Yeah, it's me Joe. So the British are coming. Mmmhmm. Yup. By sea of course. You'll let Concord know? Thanks bud. Give 'em hell for me!"
*hangs up*

Years later, and we're all Paul who?

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