Saturday, July 31, 2010

My feet hurt...

I'm not sure if that's because of the hideous shoes I'm forced to wear for work or if it's all the walking required for work. Either way, this whole sitting business feels very very nice right now.

Speaking of work, as I'm sure you're all wondering, it's going quite fantastic. I mean, it's work. So obviously I can't stand my manager occasionally and sometimes I'm like WHEN CAN I GO HOME?! But all in all, it's not a bad deal, especially when we're busy. As long as I have stuff to do, I like the work. Waitressing, in my book, is a great job for me. Keeps my ADD self busy, doesn't require too much time sitting on my arse being bored, and there's even some acting involved. Smile...always smile. Even when your manager is yelling at you for not setting a table because you were too busy SERVING THE CUSTOMERS...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so loud, I'll behave now...

Anywho, in other GG related news...

I finally get my new phone tomorrow, thank goodness, I'm going absolutely bonkers without it. Lemme tell you, you never realize just how dependent you are on a little plastic box of circuits until it's gone. Ugh.

I finally watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies this week with my friend. All three of them. In a row. It was one of the most epic nights of my life. Those movies are so awfully fantastical (and yes, that is so totally a word), it's amazing. We couldn't stop laughing all night. Though that might have been because half the fun is making fun of the movie. 

Has anyone seen Mystery Science Theatre 3000? That's what movies with my friends are like. But with chicks instead of a guy and some robots. Though I'd LOVE to be able to have my own Servo robot, that'd be fantastic!

Anyway, I also work with this friend, so the next time we worked together, we were butchering our Brooklyn accents and being all "Hey, my name is Raphael, I'm from Brooklyn, I'm emoitional, I'm a teenager. And a toitle. A MUTANT toitle, with sweet ninja skills no less." And stuff like that. I'm gonna miss her so much when she leaves, no one else there is quite as crazy as we are. Though there is one who I have hope for. But we'll see.

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