Monday, July 12, 2010

On the Hunt...

So I recently went Job Hunting. It kind of sounds exotic, doesn’t it? Job hunting. Going after the ever elusive beast, the noble, majestic animal known as the Job.

All grownups have to have one to survive, but it takes skill and prowess to get one. And if this year is anything like last year’s job hunt, I will be found lacking those skills yet again. I applied to 10 places last year, and only one called back. ONE. So this year, I am applying to 17. Honestly, if I cannot get a job in all that, there is seriously something wrong with me.

The day started out kind of badly- I had spent the night at a friend’s because we are acting in the same show currently, and gas what it is, it makes more sense for me to stay there a day or two a week. Convenient as this is though, it can sure throw a girl through a loop. I woke up sore from sleeping on the floor (not her fault but still not fun), and then didn’t get any breakfast, and to top it off, NO MORNING COFFEE.

I NEED my cold morning coffee. It is what turns this:

Into this:

Since no one their right mind would give morning GG a job to save her life, my first mission of the day was to go to that headquarters of delicious evil, Starbucks.

Allow me to say that I live in a small area. You want good coffee and a delicious pastry for breakfast, you go to Starbucks, or McDonalds. As I didn’t feel like eating a solid patty of grease, Starbucks it was.

I find my feelings for Starbucks mixed. On one hand, I merely walk in there and just the smell makes me more alive, give me one of their Mocha Frappes and I am in a caffeine fueled, chocolate coffee flavored heaven. On the other hand, the fact that I have to pay 4 dollars for this Tall heaven is absolutely ridonkulous. But hey. What better way to start your hunt for a job but to spend the last $6 of cash you had to your name?

After that pit stop though, the search was on. I gathered 8 applications, and was directed to apply online to 8 others, and I still have my local college to apply to. I even made sure to wear my Wolverine shirt when applying to Game Stop yesterday so that they would take me, as a girl, seriously. Which I hope works, so I can use my new money to buy some damn games for my new Xbox 360

All of this and I was one hot, kinda sweaty, tired little geekygirl. Wish me luck guys, cause if I can’t get a job out of all that...

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